Medical Physics Residency Program
Our 24-month clinical program consists of a series of rotations with a maximum duration of 3 months. A month of research is granted to each resident.
Our 24-month clinical program consists of a series of rotations with a maximum duration of 3 months. A month of research is granted to each resident.
Clinical Rotations
Residents cycle through a series of rotations in which they perform a wide variety of clinical tasks.
- Orientation
- Treatment Planning I
- Measurement-based Quality Assurance
- Imaging for Simulation, Planning & Treatment Verification
- Brachytherapy
- Special Procedures
- Radiation Safety & Shielding
- Treatment Planning II
- Clinical Physicist Rotation
- An optional month of Research is available
Treatment Modalities and Technologies
Our residents are trained at state-of-the art clinical sites that utilize a vast array of treatment modalities and technique delivery.
- Conformal Radiation Therapy
- Image Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT)
- Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT)
- Stereotactic Body Radio Therapy (SBRT)
- High Dose Rate Brachytherapy
- Low Dose Rate Brachytherapy
- Gamma Knife Radiosurgery
- Linac-Based Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS)
- Pediatric Radiation Therapy
Clinical Hardware and Software
- Linear Accerators
- Varian TrueBeam STX with HDMLC’s, ExacTrac and OBI
- Varian TrueBeam with 120 MLC’s and OBI (x2)
- Varian 21iX with 120 MLC’s and OBI
- Elekta HDR unit, microselectron V3 with dedicated HDR suite - supports:
- tandom and ovoid
- vaginal cylinder
- skin treatments via Frieburg Flap
- patient-specific multichannel molded applicators
- AccuBoost breast brachytherapy for Accelerated Partial Breast treatments
- LDR brachytherapy sources - 125I, 103Pd, and 131Cs for prostate seed and single or biplanar mesh implants
- Siemens Somatom Confidence 64 slice CT Simulator (RIH Site)
- Siemens Somatom go.Sim 64 slice CT Simulator (EG Site)
- Varian Velocity Fusion and Dose Accumulation Software
- Treatment Planning Workstations
- RayStation V11A
- GammaPlan v11.3
- VariSeed for Prostate Seed Implants
- Oncentra for HDR Brachytherapy
- Varian ARIA Record and Verify System
- Detectors
- PTW 30013 ionization chambers
- Stereotactic Diodes….EDGE detector
- Microchambers
- Optically Stimulated Luminescent Detectors (OSLD’s)
- Array Detectors
- SunNuclear Daily QA detectors
- MapCheck2 planar array for IMRT QA
- MapCheck3 planar array for IMRT QA
- SunNuclear IC Profiler
- Phantoms
- Anthropormophic Phantom
- QUASAR Respiratory Motion Phantom
- CIRS IMRT Thorax Phantom
- Gammex electron density phantom
- Imaging Phantoms (Leeds, CatPhan)
- SunNuclear and Wellhofer water scanner
Recent Areas of Research
Spatially Fractionated Therapy (GRID)
Outcomes Modeling
As residents, we get an in-depth training in clinical radiation oncology physics under the direct supervision of experienced medical physicists.
PGY-2 Resident, Class of 2022